Facts about Teeth Whitening Bellevue

by | Jan 3, 2014 | Dental Services

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Do you want a brighter and whiter smile? If so, it may be time to consider the options offered by Teeth Whitening Bellevue. There are basically two options to choose from, having your teeth whitened by a professional, such as Family Dental, or using an at-home whitening kit. Both of the options use bleaching agents that are peroxide based with at-home systems having three to 20 percent peroxide and office systems having 15 to 43 percent peroxide. Essentially this means that you will see more significant results from an in-office bleaching, rather than an at home kit.

In-Office Teeth Whitening Services

When you have Teeth Whitening at Dental Bellevue you will see faster results and whiter teeth. This is mainly due to the fact that the solution used by a professional is much stronger than the typical at home kits. Professional dentists also use a combination of heat and light to not only speed up the whitening process but also intensify the results that are achieved.

In order to achieve the most dramatic results, which are a lightening by eight shades, you will have to undergo several 30 to 60 minute sessions. There are some dentists that utilize newer techniques that are able to receive results in one single two hour appointment. The cost of the treatments will be dependent on the dentist you use for Teeth Whitening Bellevue.

At Home Teeth Whitening Options

There are a number of choices for bleaching your teeth at home. You can use the whitening strips or gels, a tray based bleaching system or use whitening toothpastes. Each of these options provides results, but none that will be more significant than the results that a professional whitening from your dentist will provide.

With this information you can make an informed decision about which option is right for you. If you have an upcoming event that you want whiter teeth quickly for, a professional bleaching job will be the best option. If you have more time, you can save money by using an at home teeth whitening kit, which will also help to brighten your smile.

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