Ella Sanchez

Recent Articles



3 Things A Dentist Can Do For You

Research has shown that going to the dentist every six months for a dental cleaning and exam aids in the maintenance of your oral health.  There are many other reasons why you may need to make a visit to your dentist.  For example, you may want to improve the look of...

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Dentists in Clearwater

Dentists in Clearwater want you to understand that not all dental problems are specifically related to the teeth. The jaw is also susceptible to various conditions and problems that can result in a variety of consequences and symptoms. This means that any time you are...

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Invisalign Houston

Gone are the days when it was only teenagers were very young adults that were able to benefit from cosmetic dentistry such as braces. Now adults are able to create the street and beautiful smiles that they have always wanted by using a technique referred to as...

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