Preparing your child for a trip to the dentist

by | Jun 2, 2014 | Dentists

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As a parent you no doubt have taught your preschooler all about brushing his or her teeth twice a day but eventually you have to take the child to the dentist. Although dentists suggest that children be taken to their first dental appointment when the first tooth erupts, which is about a year old, there are parents who delay the first appointment for various reasons. Many parents are not aware of the recommendations, they have a dislike for dentists themselves or the attitude is “they are only the first teeth anyway.” It is very important to see to it that children dental care in Orange Park starts early just to make sure that the teeth are growing properly as well as getting specific guidance on children’s dental care. When you start your children on the road to good dental practices early in life they will have fewer problems as they get older.

Once you have made the decision to seek children dental care in Orange Park for your youngster you will want to talk it through before the visit. For whatever reason a dentist is thought to be a scary guy and the office a scary place so preparing for the visit in advance will help considerably in making the first visit a success.

Rather than take your child to the dentist who looks after your teeth you may wish to consider a pediatric dentist, these dentists are qualified to deal with children and their dental care. Pediatric dentists have not only taken specialized training in dealing with adolescent dental issues they are also tuned in to making the first visit a pleasant experience, this holds true for all subsequent visits as well. The treatment rooms in a pediatric dentist’s office are always colorful, there are prizes galore for “good little patients” and movies and cartoons in the treatment rooms which take the child’s mind off the treatment. The staff members are also very aware of whom their patients are and they have plenty of little tricks that make the little ones happy and relaxed.

Prior to the visit talk to your child about what children dental care in Orange Park is all about and what to expect. Tell the child that they will see all kinds of shiny things, none of which will harm them, tell them that a bright light might shine in their eyes but this is nothing to worry about. There are a number of small kid’s books available that can help you explain what to expect and how much fun it can be.

Myers Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics provide excellent children dental care in Orange Park. You are invited to call for an appointment with the professionals who care about children and their smiles.

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