When is it time to Go to a Children’s Emergency Dentist in Oahu, HI?

by | Oct 2, 2018 | Dentists

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Accidents happen. They can occur anywhere and at any time. The key is to know how to handle these situations when they arise. The fact is, knowing the difference between a regular dental issue and a dental emergency can help parents know when to seek out the help of a Childrens Emergency Dentist Oahu HI. Keep reading to find out about some of the most common dental issues kids experience and whether emergency care is required here.

A Knocked-Out Tooth

If a child knocks out a tooth, the first thing a parent should do is to make sure there’s no other serious injury. If there is, call 911 right away. If it was a permanent or “adult” tooth, make sure the tooth remains moist by putting it in a container of milk. At this point, seeking the care of a Childrens Emergency Dentist Oahu HI is advised. If the tooth is a primary or baby tooth, there may be no need to seek emergency care. Call the clinic for advice.

A Cracked Tooth

If a child cracks their tooth, it’s imperative to rinse out the mouth right away with warm water to clean the affected area. Then, put a cold compress up to the face to minimize swelling. While it may not be necessary to see an emergency dentist, it is a good idea to make a dental appointment as soon as possible.

A Bit Lip or Tongue

If a child bites their lip or tongue, the area should be cleaned gently with water and a cold compress should be applied. Be sure to go to the emergency room or the child’s dentist as soon as possible to have the area looked at and treated. Also, the dentist can ensure there are no signs of an infection.

When it comes to children’s dental emergencies, there are numerous things that need to be kept in mind. More information about this quality of dental care can be found by contacting the professionals at Kidshine Pediatric Dental Group. Being informed is the best way to ensure the right steps are taken after a child injures their mouth or a tooth in any way. You can also connect them on Facebook.

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