Sedate your fear

by | Nov 14, 2011 | Dentists

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Why sedation dentistry?
Visiting a dentist is perceived as a nightmare by many. People actually tend to shiver out of fear when it comes to sitting on the dentist’s chair. The mere thought of being pricked by needles or even having a drill approaching your open mouth can cause a lot of stress. Well, technology has gifted us with sedation dentistry.

How does it help?
The procedure of using sedatives before conducting a dental operation is what sedation dentistry is all about. The use of tranquillizers or even anti anxiety depressants to calm the patient down is an option widely considered by many patients today. This method is highly recommended as the dentist would first study the dental history of the patient before providing them with the appropriate sedative. Cosmetic dentistry or surgeries that are very lengthy in nature ideally take more than an hour to perform. With the help of such dentistry procedures, one can get complete relief from various dental problems in a matter of minutes. Patients also tend to gain courage while such operations are performed thus reducing, or even eliminating fear completely.

The various forms of sedation dentistry, such as 1V sedation, oral conscious sedation and nitrous oxide, popularly known as laughing gas are available today depending on the choice and need of the patient. These are some of the most common forms of sedation dentistry and are provided under professional guidance in effective quantities. Taking care of your teeth is not a painful obligation, with the help of sedation dentistry; you can enjoy healthy teeth without experiencing any pain.

Sedation dentistry

Sedation dentistry

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