How to Choose Good Dentists in Shorewood, WI

by | Oct 7, 2013 | Dental Services

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The best time to choose a dentist is before you need one, not after. There’s no excuse to put off looking for a new dentist since the means to do so are easier than ever. Follow these tips for finding good dentists in Shorewood, WI and your future self with a toothache will thank you.

Ask Around for Recommendations

Let it be known that you are looking for a good dentist. You’ll be surprised at how many people will help you out. Ask friends, family members in Shorewood, church members, doctors or Shorewood pharmacists. You can also check out the Glendale or West Allis Chambers of Commerce. Although the Chamber of Commerce cannot recommend one dentist over another, it can at least give you a list of dentists to start checking out.

Check Out the Wisconsin Department of Health Services

The website of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services offers a “Find a Dentist” feature open to the general public. You can also double check to see if a recommended dentist currently holds a license to practice in Wisconsin. A link will take you to the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services (which used to be called the Wisconsin Department of Regulation and Licensing) .

Go to the Dentist’s Website

All dentists now have websites which can help you quickly find some basic information like opening hours, services offered and acceptable methods of payment. If the office isn’t open when you are off of work or school, then cross it off your list and move on. If you are not sure whether your insurance will be accepted by the dentist, call the dentist’s office or, if the website has it, fill out a short contact form.

Go to the Dentist’s Office

It’s important to know how to get to the dentist’s office before you commit to a dentist. If the route is dangerous or not well marked, then think twice about accepting a dentist that if hard to find.

If you still have questions about how to choose the dentist that’s right for you and your family, contact Frank R. Galka D.D.S today.

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