How to Choose Dentists in Palos Park, IL

by | Jul 8, 2013 | Dentists

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The best time to find a dentist is long before you need one. With all of the stress of moving, it can easily slip your mind that you need to find a new dentist. If you are moving to the Palos Park area, you can ask your current dentist for recommendations for dentists in Palos Park IL. Here are some other tips for finding a new dentist.


Ask for Any Recommendations

There are many people in your new town that you can ask where to find a good dentist, even if you do not know any of your neighbors. You can try the local pharmacy, churches or community centers. If you are a registered voter, you can contact the office of your new representative and ask for a recommendation. You can also ask restaurant staff for a recommendation when going out to eat. Also check out the chamber of commerce for a list of dentists in the area.

Checking Online

You can also look for dentists at the website of the American Dental Association (ADA). Look for the find a dentist feature on the ADA website. Enter your complete home address and the website will give you a list of all practicing ADA members within a 10 mile radius. Although dentists do not have to be an ADA member in order to practice, membership does show a deep level of commitment to the profession. You can also check out the find a dentist feature from the Illinois State Dental Association. Dentists would have to be members of the Illinois State Dental Association in order to get their names listed on the website.

Visit the Office

Visit the dental practice before agreeing to let them be your new dentists. This is a good way to see if you can easily find the office and find a place to park. You can see if the office is clean and tidy. The staff should be helpful and willing to answer your questions, provided that the practice isn’t exceptionally busy. Find out the office hours, methods of payment and what types of dental services are offered. Can you come there for emergencies after hours?

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